曹洞宗 萬松山高雲寺/客殿 |
所 在: | 茨城県つくばみらい市 |
用 途: | 寺院客殿 |
竣 工: | 2005.01 |
施 工: | 小薬建設 |
写 真: | 高山幸三 |
Temple in black /Ceremony hall |
Location: | TsukubaMirai-shi,Ibaraki |
Usage: | Ceremony hall |
Completion: | 2005.01 |
The project began with a consultation about the repair of the thatched ceremony hall, which was relocated along with the main hall 140 years ago and was on the verge of collapse.The site is located in a corner of a terrace that juts out from the lowland rice paddies of the Tone River basin, once known as a scenic pine forest.
As a result of the investigation, the distortion of the foundation stone and building of the old ceremony hall caused by the ground was beyond the limits of repair, so we decided to build a new one.
It was required to serve as two halls for Buddhist ceremony , a waiting room for bereaved relatives, a office, a kitchen, and a support center for the community in the event of a disaster.
The new ceremony hall included a network with other facilities in the future, and by reusing old materials from the old one's for its structure, it was intended to pass on the memories of the community and the temple to the next generation.In addition,considering that it is located next to the main hall, the exterior is covered with cedar boards and cedar lattice finished with traditional paint based on ink, creating a tranquil atmosphere within the precincts.
19th Ibaraki Prefecture Architectural culture Award,.Winer
一級建築士事務所 岩佐設計工房 178-0063 東京都練馬区東大泉1-8-5 HIA iwasa@mse.biglobe.ne.jp |
1998-2025 HIROAKI IWASA ARCHITECTS all rights reserved |